Economic Analysis
All investment decisions should be made following a rigorous Economic Analysis
PEC Consulting’s Economic Analysis includes CapEx and OpEx calculations, Market Price and modeling of different scenarios to develop a Sensitivity Analysis. This model will determine how the Project’s Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Payback will be affected by variations in CapEx, OpEx and Market Pricing, which provides the investor with information on the potential risks originating from project variables.
An Economic Analysis is a powerful tool used to assess the expected returns from an investment and for the Owner to choose among potential investment opportunities.
What We Do
- Approach your particular project systematically and evaluate all pros and cons of your potential investment.
- Address and consider investment and operating costs and risks, and provide a course of action that best benefits your organization. Benefit-cost analysis is one of the most important tools in making sound decisions.
- Provide a Sensitivity Analysis considering:
- Operating costs
- Capital costs
- Market Price
- other specific variables which may be of concern to the project
- Prepare a comprehensive Economic Analysis Report detailing the analytical procedures utilized, and attaching the data used in the analysis.
- Economic Analysis is utilized in scoping studies, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies; in project options comparative analysis, in facility valuations, due diligence work and in selection of process options.
- Economic Analysis for Cement Plants.
- Economic Analysis for Lime Plants.
- Economic Analysis for Coal Mining.
- Economic Analysis for Industrial Minerals Industries.
How can we help you? Get in touch with our team of experts.