
How can PEC Consulting contribute to lowering the impact of processing minerals on the environment?

In recent years, PEC has been actively researching and participating in studies to conceptualize projects that produce cementitious materials for the construction industry which produce less CO2 that conventional cement products.  Projects have included the utilization of waste streams from other industries, such as:

    • Reprocessing of landfilled coal ash in process plants.
    • Production of slag cement from granulated blast furnace slag from steel mills.
    • Processing of natural pozzolans to be used as additive in concrete.
    • Generating synthetic pozzolans from argillaceous minerals.

Ordinary cement is one of the major generators of greenhouse gases and replacing cement in concrete with other minerals containing cementitious properties contributes to lowering the environmental impact of the construction industry.

PEC is also working with enterprises developing new technologies for more energy efficient processes, utilizing renewable energy sources for the transformation from raw feed to end product. We periodically publish on this website research papers indicating the focus areas of supporting our clients in their sustainability efforts.

How can we help you? Get in touch with our team of experts.