Scoping Studies

PEC Consulting provides scoping studies to assist clients in identifying optimal project development pathways. These studies encompass a comprehensive analysis of resources, market opportunities, and the economic viability of various alternatives.


The success of mineral processing projects hinges on the thorough evaluation of available resources. This necessitates a multi-faceted approach encompassing geological exploration, meticulous testing by qualified laboratories and process equipment suppliers, and the meticulous compilation of all pertinent data. This comprehensive strategy ensures not only the availability of the resource, but also its suitability in terms of quality and quantity to meet project requirements.


Projects requiring significant capital investment necessitate a robust market for the final product. This market must not only generate revenue sufficient to cover operational expenditures but also produce adequate cash flow to achieve a satisfactory return on investment (ROI) for stakeholders. To ensure this outcome, comprehensive market studies are essential. These studies should be conducted by qualified professionals with demonstrable expertise in the specific regional markets where the product is destined. 

Furthermore, in the context of industrial minerals, logistics costs represent a critical factor, and therefore, a comprehensive market study must incorporate a thorough analysis of these associated transportation expenses.

Cost Estimation

A fundamental component of any successful scoping study is the generation of accurate estimates for both capital expenditure (CapEx) and operating expenditure (OpEx). Mineral processing projects are inherently capital-intensive, and their complex and extended nature introduces inherent risks. Therefore, it is imperative to engage consultants with demonstrably relevant experience in cost development for similar projects. These consultants should have access to current industry cost databases, ensuring the utilization of the most up-to-date financial benchmarks. 

Ultimately, selecting a consulting firm with established industry expertise and a demonstrably successful track record of completed projects is a critical factor in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of cost estimates within a scoping study.

Conceptual Level Technical Development

The generation of accurate CapEx and OpEx values necessitates the development of conceptual-level technical documents. These documents serve as the foundation for cost estimation and encompass a variety of crucial elements, including the project Design Criteria, process flow diagrams, mechanical flow diagrams, related equipment lists with motor power requirements, plot plan, and elevations of the process areas.

Additionally, to accurately estimate the initial mine development costs, equipment needs, and operational expenses, a preliminary mining plan must be established. This plan leverages data obtained from geological and hydrological studies.

Environmental and Social Issues

A significant factor contributing to the historical failure of numerous mineral projects throughout various development stages is the inadequate consideration of environmental and social impacts. Environmental consulting necessitates a high degree of specialization, and expertise varies depending on the specific industry and region. To ensure successful permit applications, it is essential for the project consultant to furnish the environmental consultant with accurate and realistic data.

Social issues can be equally impactful as environmental concerns. Communities residing near the project site will naturally harbor apprehensions regarding the potential disruption to their way of life. Therefore, establishing positive public relations from the project’s inception and maintaining a transparent and open dialogue with the community are crucial aspects of successful project development.

How to Proceed?

PEC Consulting offers comprehensive support to project developers navigating the critical scoping stage. Our team of highly experienced managing consultants possesses a proven track record in project development studies. Moreover, they are supported by a network of specialized senior consultants with expertise in all facets of project development. This collaborative approach ensures that your scoping study benefits from the combined knowledge and experience of a dedicated team.

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